
Prowlers. One of the last units that your opponent may like to face. They have really dangerous weapons. Models are not handsome at all. paint wisely.

One of the stronger units in the game, prowlers... lets start with the statsline as usual.

movement 4-2 , cc 14, bs 12 , ph 12 , wip 14 . not bad. 1 wound troop with 2 arm and no bts.
being slow is a handicap for sure but he is an infiltrator. is it too important ? i dont think so.

camo troop, infiltrator synergies nicely with zeros. they co-operate well. multiterrain is ok too.

bioimmunity. it is a skill better on high bts, low arm value troops. here we have 2 arm and 0 bts. so , only against viral weapons, it is cool for the moment. viral weapons can not kill prowlers directly. normally against viral ammo, you are using 2 dice and if you even fail with one, you die directly. instead of 2 bts, we will use 1 arm dice now. better than nothing.

lets check the options now.

prowler spitfire 36 points, 2swc

Ok it is not a cheap variant. However, very effective. it is hard to find extra 2 swc, which might be a problem time to time. in bakunin there are too many options eating swc to end. Prowler spitfire starting to attack in his best range possible. bs15 4 burst is very deadly. he can be your rambo of the day and can swipe the enemies. moreover, most of the time, he can choose to be in cover together with camo and suprise attack , he can give your opponent -9 modifier which is hard to counter.

there is also dcharge. with one move, you are in opponents' side and can do the dcharge mission. moreover, dcharges are very effective as a weapon on high arm value units. cc14 is not perfect for this, but cc 14-3 with suprise attack can create a real game turning chance.

combi rifle + adhesive luncher +  light flamer  (+ specialist ) 32 points or 33 points 0.5 swc

Fantastic choice! he can push the buttons. have the most dangerous template weapon of the game. can strike with combi and have my favorite weapon ADHL.

I am out of words. he can glue the tags, flame the links. Can suprise attack with combi. There is no situation there that he cant handle.

For me this variant is one of the best attacking affordable attacking pieces of the game.

boarding shotgun + grenades + dcharge 31 points
An other close range killing machine. very nice option.
boarding shotgun in close range with bs12 strikes with 2 burst bs18 is deadly. Dcharge as we have written in spitfire variant has some important uses.

the new weapon here is the grenades! we all know that grenades are cool weapons. but do not miss the synergy here with bakunin synergy. Hackers can use repeaters to spotlight or evo repeaters can use sensors to satlock their opponents. so this grenade in the right range can kill many threats. ph 12+3(range)+3(marked) for a speculative shot! ph 18 against a suprised opponent who has to dodge with -6 modifier. die!!!

as you see, all the variants are fruitful and strong. there is only pace problem with the prowlers. other than that, i am very happy that they have ava. 3 . it is not unlogical to get 3 prowlers, 3 zeros together.


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